Operations Manager, Andrew Hicks, has been designated the main point of contact for to receive feedback on barriers and the accessibility plan at the following coordinates:
MAIL – 9925 62 ave NW Edmonton AB T6E0E7
PHONE – 780-554-7802
EMAIL – andrew@sureshottrucking.ca
Sure Shot’s plan for accessibility can be summarized as removing existing barriers and barriers that may later be discovered that prevent persons of various ability from pursuing or enjoying employment. At present we have not identified any existing barriers after a thorough walkthrough of the premises and after consultation with members of our staff with and without disabilities.
Sure Shot remains committed to encouraging feedback from persons of all abilities specifically in regards to an accessible and safe workspace. We have created multiple avenues for feedback that are easily available to employees and the public.
Should a potential barrier be identified the designated company representative will document the identified barrier and inform management. The potential barrier will be investigated, and solutions will be proposed. The most suitable solution will be identified and implemented without reasonable delay.
An accessible workplace is seen as good business policy by Sure Shot. Employees are not easy to find and retaining good employees is essential for the success of the business. Sure Shot believes having an accessible workplace and eliminating barriers helps attract and retain employees, or to put it another way, helps reduce employee turnover. Sure Shot has historically taken the stance of following federal guidelines as de facto policy in most facets of the business and this, of course continues for accessibility. As such the following principles are the foundation of our policy:
All current and future employees will have equal access to employment opportunities at Sure Shot regardless of disability.
Barriers: At present no barriers have been identified as currently existing. All employees are not to alter our current practices in a way that would restrict accessibility, or discourage or discriminate against any employee regardless of disability. All employees all employees are encouraged to report any concerns to the designated contact via the published coordinates are in person at any time.
Actions: In the event a potential barrier is found or reported an email will be sent to management within 2 working days. The designated contact will consult with the discoverer of the potential barrier and investigate, this must be done within 5 working days of the email. Any potential barrier found to be unreasonably restricting accessibility to any employee regardless of disability will be identified as such in an email to management. Management will have 5 working days from receipt of the email to decide on a plan to remove the barrier from the workplace. Removal of the barrier must be carried out in a reasonable time frame and without unreasonable delay. Once the barrier has been removed the process of identification and removal of the barrier are to be documented as an addendum to this document and included in the triennial update.
Sure Shot will endeavour to maintain physical facilities that are accessible to all employees regardless of disability.
Barriers: At present no barriers have been identified as currently existing. All employees are not to alter our current practices in a way that would restrict accessibility, or discourage or discriminate against any employee regardless of disability. All employees all employees are encouraged to report any concerns to the designated contact via the published coordinates are in person at any time.
Actions: In the event a potential barrier is found or reported an email will be sent to management within 2 working days. The designated contact will consult with the discoverer of the potential barrier and investigate, this must be done within 5 working days of the email. Any potential barrier found to be unreasonably restricting accessibility to any employee regardless of disability will be identified as such in an email to management. Management will have 5 working days from receipt of the email to decide on a plan to remove the barrier from the workplace. Removal of the barrier must be carried out in a reasonable time frame and without unreasonable delay. Once the barrier has been removed the process of identification and removal of the barrier are to be documented as an addendum to this document and included in the triennial update.
Sure Shot will endeavour to maintain information and communication infrastructure that is accessible to all employees regardless of disability.
Barriers: At present no barriers have been identified as currently existing. All employees are not to alter our current practices in a way that would restrict accessibility, or discourage or discriminate against any employee regardless of disability. All employees all employees are encouraged to report any concerns to the designated contact via the published coordinates are in person at any time.
Actions: In the event a potential barrier is found or reported an email will be sent to management within 2 working days. The designated contact will consult with the discoverer of the potential barrier and investigate, this must be done within 5 working days of the email. Any potential barrier found to be unreasonably restricting accessibility to any employee regardless of disability will be identified as such in an email to management. Management will have 5 working days from receipt of the email to decide on a plan to remove the barrier from the workplace. Removal of the barrier must be carried out in a reasonable time frame and without unreasonable delay. Once the barrier has been removed the process of identification and removal of the barrier are to be documented as an addendum to this document and included in the triennial update.
The Sure Shot workplace will endeavour to accommodate all employees with communication disabilities that are not able to be ameliorated with ICT.
Barriers: At present no barriers have been identified as currently existing. All employees are not to alter our current practices in a way that would restrict accessibility, or discourage or discriminate against any employee regardless of disability. All employees all employees are encouraged to report any concerns to the designated contact via the published coordinates are in person at any time.
Actions: In the event a potential barrier is found or reported an email will be sent to management within 2 working days. The designated contact will consult with the discoverer of the potential barrier and investigate, this must be done within 5 working days of the email. Any potential barrier found to be unreasonably restricting accessibility to any employee regardless of disability will be identified as such in an email to management. Management
will have 5 working days from receipt of the email to decide on a plan to remove the barrier from the workplace. Removal of the barrier must be carried out in a reasonable time frame and without unreasonable delay. Once the barrier has been removed the process of identification and removal of the barrier are to be documented as an addendum to this document and included in the triennial update.
Sure Shot policy is to procure goods, services, facilities and transportation that are accessible to all employees regardless of disability.
Barriers: At present no barriers have been identified as currently existing. All employees are not to alter our current practices in a way that would restrict accessibility, or discourage or discriminate against any employee regardless of disability. All employees all employees are encouraged to report any concerns to the designated contact via the published coordinates are in person at any time.
Actions: In the event a potential barrier is found or reported an email will be sent to management within 2 working days. The designated contact will consult with the discoverer of the potential barrier and investigate, this must be done within 5 working days of the email. Any potential barrier found to be unreasonably restricting accessibility to any employee regardless of disability will be identified as such in an email to management. Management will have 5 working days from receipt of the email to decide on a plan to remove the barrier from the workplace. Removal of the barrier must be carried out in a reasonable time frame and without unreasonable delay. Once the barrier has been removed the process of identification and removal of the barrier are to be documented as an addendum to this document and included in the triennial update.
Sure Shot conducted consultations in advance of preparing this policy document. The intent of the consultation was and is to identify any concerns our employees had about accessibility at the workplace. This was initially brought to the attention of every employee in the staff meeting May 6, 2024. Employees were encouraged to bring up any accessibility concerns (employment opportunities, the physical work space, ICT, non-ICT communication, procurement) during the meeting. Employees were also encouraged to contact the designated contact privately if they felt more comfortable doing so. Employees were also informed that we will accept all concerns at any time from anyone regardless if they have a diagnosed disability, self-identify as disabled or do not identify as disabled. No names or identifying attributes will be made public at the discretion of the employee.
Due to our relatively small number of employees and newness to the accessibility discourse Sure Shot also referenced materials available through the federal Gov’t website (www.accessibilitycrhc.ca), Accessibility policies of other larger companies that are available online, and YouTube material related to accessibility concerns in the Road Transportation Sector.
Sure Shot received no specific concerns about accessibility in the workplace. Sure Shot employees did report a variety of physical ailments that affected their ability to perform work. While no barriers to accessibility were identified I feel it pertinent to list the physical ailments (no names to be used) as the employees felt it pertinent enough to mention. They are:
Weak back/susceptible to back injury
shoulder injury
weight gain
clutching (manual vs automatic transmissions)
appreciated lack of stairs in building
Time off for healing and maintenance of preexisting injuries and disability.
Effort has been made to use simple and easy to understand wording. Sure Shot has prioritized ease of understanding over precision of wording. Please “google” any words for clarity or contact the designate for further clarification.
Sure Shot considers accessibility good business policy and a necessity for all employees. As such Sure Shot will allocate resources to accessibility on an as needed basis and will not unreasonably withhold resources deemed necessary.
Sure Shot management will advised of the updated policy. All employees will periodically receive updates and informal training via staff meetings and individual meetings. The main goal of this training will be to
educate, create dialogue and increase awareness of accessibility, communication and discrimination as it pertains to persons with disabilities. We believe that this is necessary due to a general lack of awareness and also systemic and unconscious biases.